Historically speaking, the United States of America has been perceived as a land of opportunity, liberty and prosperity. In the past, these individuals were able to assimilate into the cultural fabric of the country by learning English, adopting American customs, and working extremely hard to contribute to economic and social well-being of their communities and the country at large. Welfare programs promoting incentives to immigrants did not really exist, and it would have been perceived as ridiculous if individuals arrived in the country and attempted to hold on to the patriotism and values of their former land. Sadly, in today’s world, this has largely changed. Over the last two and a half years, millions of illegal migrants have entered the United States through the porous southern border. These migrants have been allowed to reside in hotels and bussed to major cities at the expense of taxpayers and provided with food, clothing and housing at a time in which ordinary native citizens are struggling to make ends meet.
The national security of the nation is at a serious risk. This unsustainable pattern of migration also largely has contributed to the poor state of the middle class, as they provide cheap, unskilled labor sources for businesses and help to keep wages stagnant. Recently, the U.S. Head of the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas blamed Texas Governor Greg Abbot for “refusing to cooperate” with Mayors of major leftist cities in the country. Abbot has been having busloads of migrants sent to the cities in protest of the progressive immigration policies that continue to help this crisis to worsen.
While Democrats continue to claim that Republicans are heartless and do not care about foreign migrants, a recent report shows that the crisis they have created has placed the lives of these people at risk. An article by Blaze claims the Biden Administration placed migrant minors in unregulated and unsafe living conditions.