South Korea to Ban Viral Kim Jong un Video on TikTok

It has long been known that tensions between the communist country North Korea and the Republic country South Korea have brewed for decades. Now, in modern times, differences take things further between the two countries as a recent and viral TikTok video praising the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, has been banned in South Korea.

In April, a viral video went around both countries that depicted North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as a “great leader” and “good father”, a narrative South Korea strongly disagrees with. The viral video contains background music as a form of propaganda for the communist country. South Korean Communications Standards Commission stated this past Monday that the video “praises and glorifies” Kim Jong Un. In Seoul, the capital of South Korea, a media regulator said the viral video is a violation of South Korea’s National Security Act.

South Korea’s NSA blocks access to North Korea’s government-regulated websites and media and is even willing to reprimand those who favor the communist regime. The viral video is being called, “Friendly Father” by viewers, and 29 versions of the video will be blocked according to the Communications Commission. How the banning will commence has not yet been revealed.

However, not all South Koreans are in favor of the video ban as much as their government officials are. Many South Korean TikTok users have commented on the video claiming that officials should not ban the video so that others can enjoy what seems to be a joking matter. Others commented that the video’s song, which contains catchy, up-tempo lyrics about Jong Un being a great leader, helps them while working out or doing homework. Users have also said the song reminds them of older pop music from countries like France and Spain.

North and South Korea have been separated since the armistice that ended the Korean War back in 1953. The two nations currently remain at odds.