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The News Hill staff loves to hear from our readers! We are a dedicated and passionate team devoted to covering news from Capitol Hill and how it affects our local communities.
News Hill values include:

  • Respecting law enforcement
  • Holding our elected officials responsible
  • Keeping tabs on liberal policies and agendas
  • Protecting and elevating our faith-based communities
  • Holding close the right to life
  • Supporting Conservative values, policies, and politicians to ensure our audience is heard on Capitol Hill
  • What You’ll Find at News Hill

At News Hill, we recognize the mainstream media has a liberal slant. Our staff reports on important agenda items the liberal media leaves out. We know that America can be strong again with a growing domestic job market. We believe in American made products, American jobs, and America-first policies.

Bona Fide News

We value your time. That’s why we want to make sure you have the clearest, most concise news delivered right ot your inbox every day. Our Bona Fide News pieces cover everything from legislation and border control to your Constitutional rights.

Capitol Perspectives

Our Capitol Perspectives pieces take a deeper dive into what’s happening in the world around us. We hold our traditional core values dear to our hearts and know you do, too. Our mission is to make sure you are acutely aware of anything our elected officials ar doing that may put those values in jeopardy.

How to Reach Us

Our staff hail from all over the country. We have isolated Conservatives embedded in coastal cities with the liberal elite, small town residents, small business owners, teachers and nurses, Christian clergy, and Conservative policy experts ready to bring the Conservative perspective to you.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time with your questions, comments, concerns, and ideas.

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