As America remains embroiled in a cold, cultural battle, debates surrounding transgenderism and gender are ever present across media outlets and on various platforms and mediums of access. In Wisconsin, statistically speaking it has been documented that more than 50% of biological men currently imprisoned in state correctional facilities who identify as transgender females have a history of sexual assault. The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank based in Washington D.C., obtained the state correctional records through an oversight project utilizing public records. The organization had hoped to demonstrate a correlation between sexual violence and transgender individuals, attempting to show ulterior motives to persons claiming to be confused about gender identity.
Debates surrounding transgenderism are not limited to those regarding correctional facilities. The issue has become one wide-ranging in scope as LGBT ideology is promoted at increasing levels in many areas of everyday life for ordinary Americans. Earlier in the summer, Target faced backlash after promoting gay rhetoric on children’s clothing. In the state of New Jersey, individual school districts across the state are embroiled in a legal suit after the state’s Department of Education enacted a new policy which seeks to limit the rights of parents. As a new curriculum is introduced at the grammar school level (starting at age 5) which discusses gender identity and sexual anatomy, the state has also mandated that children who “identify” as another gender in the classroom must be allowed to do so without the notification of parents.
As Americans remain embroiled in ludicrous debates over basic biological truths, adversaries of the nation and the western world continue to grow in power. China, America’s biggest international threat, recently announced a “goodwill” delegation would be sent to the neighboring communist nation of North Korea. China continues to dominate the United States economically, and the nation’s military continues to increase its strength and power. It is likely that tensions between the two countries will increase.